The Life Dress Winter Tour kicked off in Washington D.C. at the Students for Life of America Pro-Life Summit. It was an incredible success! After extensive planning, painting, and even some mild construction (creating a DIY garment rack & backdrop with PVC!) Life Dress officially made it to the Summit. When I say this was a dream come true, I'm not exaggerating.

I had been dreaming and working towards having my own pro-life apparel brand represented at an SFLA event/conference since my days slinging shirts with Rock for Life in the summer of 2018. It was beyond a blessing that SFLA invited me to be at the Summit and I will be forever grateful for the opportunity! I met SO MANY wonderful activists, made new friends, and shared my passion for changing pro-abortion culture with art.

The next stop on the tour was an outdoor market right outside of St. George, Utah! So one road trip from Vegas later, I'm setting up at Tuacahn Saturday Market! It was a sunny day in a beautiful landscape. A lot of families came out to sift through the various handmade vendors.

I talked to many people who were pro-life and supported the mission of Life Dress. It was an encouraging day! I even met the Director of Development for Pro-Life Utah and a volunteer for a local Pregnancy Resource Center that has a thrift store where all of the profits help pregnant women! I had the chance to check out that thrift store the next day - if you're ever in St. George, be sure to stop by, it's called Hope Chest.
After Utah, I headed to Berkeley, California. A very friendly place for pro-life people :) I went there to have a pop-up shop at an annual event called UCCC and showcased my work in between their speakers and activities. I met some fantastic people there. By this stop, I'm beginning to master the art of fitting everything needed for a Life Dress shop into one checked luggage...

For the final stop on the Winter Tour, I hopped on a plane to Oklahoma City! I imagined it would be cold but wasn't quiiiite prepared for completely iced-over roads and freezing temps. The fact that there was actual snow made this a much more legit Winter Tour. Weather aside, it was a great weekend! I had a vending opportunity at the Oklahoma Catholic Women's Conference. I had painted a new backdrop for the set-up and it featured the name of the tour - Painting a Pro-Life Culture.

So that concluded my first ever Life Dress Tour! Pretty wild. I learned a lot from all of these experiences - a lot about what I should do (and definitely should not do) for future tour stops. Being in-person selling Life Dress is truly one of my favorite things of all time. I love interacting with people of all different mindsets when it comes to the message I'm trying to share. I'm grateful to be able to grow my ideas from notebook scribbles to realities, and use these opportunities to have impactful conversations.
I want to thank the people who helped make the tour a success, and I'm so excited to announce... I'm going on a....
Life Dress Spring Tour!
Las Vegas, Henderson, Colorado Springs, & Phoenix! Follow Life Dress on Instagram @lifedressorg to get all the details & stay up to date.
Thank you for being here and supporting!